Tuesday 4th June 2024, 09:00-19:00 | One Great George Street, London
The CGFI Annual Forum 2024, a full-day event in the heart of London, brought together leading experts across industry, government and academia. Participants explored emerging trends in research, policy and innovation for the greening of finance and the latest science, data and analytical solutions relevant for financial institutions.
The agenda for the day is available below. Recordings and photographs will be shared in due course.
Agenda and confirmed speakers
09:00 – Registration and coffee
Great Hall, First Floor
09:30 – Opening remarks & morning keynote
Telford Theatre, First Floor
Vanessa Havard-Williams
Chair, Transition Finance Market Review, HM Treasurey
Matt Scott
Executive Director, UK Centre for Greening Finance and Investment
*Please note it will also be possible to watch this session live from the Godfrey Mitchell Theatre (Lower Ground Floor) and Council Room (Ground Floor)
10:00 – Policy and frameworks for an economy-wide transition
Telford Theatre, First Floor
Kaya Axelsson
Head of Policy and Partnerships, Oxford Net Zero
Diana Fox Carney
Senior Adviser, BeyondNetZero
Kate Levick (chair)
Associate Director - Sustainable Finance, E3G
Mark Manning
Principal Advisor, Regulatory Affairs, IFRS Foundation
Emily McKenzie
Technical Director, TNFD
Nearly a decade on from Mark Carney’s seminal ‘breaking the tragedy of the horizon’ speech, the landscape of policy, frameworks and standards continues to evolve. For example, focus is shifting beyond managing transition risk to the need for transition plans, transition planning and the mobilising of transition finance. And topics such as adaptation, resilience, nature-related risks and nature finance are quickly rising to the top of the agenda.
This panel will explore some of the latest developments in the policy and regulatory landscape, future trends and implications for climate and environmental data and analytics.
*Please note it will also be possible to watch this session live from the Godfrey Mitchell Theatre (Lower Ground Floor) and Council Room (Ground Floor)
11:00 – Coffee break
Great Hall, First Floor
11:30 – Climate financial decision-making in the context of data and analytics
Telford Theatre, First Floor
Chris Dodwell
Global Head of Policy & Advocacy,
Co-Head Sustainability Centre,
Impax AM
Jo Paisley (chair)
President, GARP Risk Institute
Tony Rooke
Executive Director, Head of Transition Advisory, Howden
Diandrah Soobiah
Director of Responsible Investment, Nest
Billy Suid
Head of Climate Risk, Barclays
Aga Siemiginowska
Head of Sustainability, Oakley Capital
While we have made collective progress on integrating climate and environmental data and analytics into finance, data gaps and analytical capabilities continue to be seen as a key barrier. And with nature and broader biodiversity concerns rising in important, data needs continue to evolve. At the same time, we are also experiencing the emergence of new, potentially transformative tech potentially opening up new opportunities to integrate CER data and analytics at speed scale.
This panel will provide an insight into the state of climate and environmental data and analytics applications in finance, before sharing perspectives from industry on the last decade of progress integrating CER data and analytics and emerging analytical frontiers
*Please note it will also be possible to watch this session live from the Godfrey Mitchell Theatre (Lower Ground Floor) and Council Room (Ground Floor)
12:30 – Networking lunch
Great Hall, First Floor
13:30 – Afternoon keynote and fireside chat
Telford Theatre, First Floor
Iain Williams
Director of Strategic Partnerships, Natural Environment Research Council
Iain Clacher
Professor of Pensions and Finance, University of Leeds
Adrian Barnes
Head of Green Analytics, Macquarie Asset Management
Puninda Thind
Finance Nature Lead, Climate Champions Team
*Please note it will also be possible to watch this session live from the Godfrey Mitchell Theatre
14:00 – Tipping points and managing uncertainty
Telford Theatre, First Floor
Oliver Bettis
ESG Actuary. Institute and Faculty of Actuaries
Catherine Bremner
Chief Commercial Officer, Impax Asset Management
David Carlin (chair)
Head of Risk, UNEP-FI
Jason Lowe
Chair in Interdisciplinary Climate Research, Priestley Centre, University of Leeds
Andy Wiltshire
Head Earth System and Mitigation Science, Met Office
The topic of climate risk has moved from niche to mainstream over the last decade. At the same time, more is still required to enable market participants to more fully understand the unique characteristics of climate risk, including the possibility of tipping points, tail risks and how to balance the foreseeable nature of what’s ahead with the uncertainty of how specific risks may crystallize across different spatial and time horizons.
This panel will dive deeper into these topics, supported by the latest insights including from CGFI and leading practitioners and regulators
14:00 – Innovation showcase
Godfrey Mitchell Theatre, Lower Ground Floor
Innovation in climate data and analytics is essential to deliver tools for the financial industry to reach its net zero goals. In this session, participants from Innovate UK-funded businesses will share their work and discuss how the ecosystem can be supported to deliver next-generation climate/environmental data and analytics.
Panel 1:
Alyssa Gilbert Director, Undaunted – chair
Alex Money CEO, Watermarq
Andrew Pledger Head of IoT Systems, Previsico
Edoardo Francesco Sabatino CEO, Climate Kick
Panel 2:
Alyssa Gilbert Director, Undaunted – chair
Akanksha Sahay Reckon
Tom Philp CEO, Maximum Information
Ed Suttie Director (Research), BRE Group
Lazaros Papachristodoulou Co-Founder, Director, FireX.ai
14:30 – Coffee break
Great Hall, First Floor
15:30 – Science for a greener financial system: research showcase
Godfrey Mitchell Theatre, Lower Ground Floor
Matt Foote (chair)
Head of Climate Risk Intelligence, Howden
Ben Groom
Dragon Capital Chair in Biodiversity Economics, University of Exeter
Jim Hall
Professor of Climate and Environmental Risk, University of Oxford
Tom Oliver
Professor of Applied Ecology, University of Reading
Franziska Schrodt
Professor of Earth System Science, University of Nottingham
Len Shaffrey
Professor of Climate Science, University of Reading
Research is the foundation of progress and innovation in greening finance. This session offers attendees the chance to learn from leading-edge research, including NERC-funded research by CGFI and the Integrating Finance for Biodiversity programme.
Participants will also discussing research frontiers, industry needs, and how to collaborate effectively with academia.
15:30 – Assessing nature-related risk: are todays’ analytics good enough?
Telford Theatre, First Floor
Jimena Alvarez
Research Associate in Resilient Systems & the Environment, University of Oxford
Sharon Brooks
Head of Nature Economy, UNEP-WCMC
Pernille Holtedahl (chair)
Research Fellow, Centre for Climate Finance and Investment, Imperial College London
Richard Mann
Climate Risk Analytics Director, Lloyds Banking Group
Jenni Ramos
Lawyer, Commonwealth Climate and Law Initiative
Nature and biodiversity related-risks have rapidly risen on the agenda of policymaker, regulators and financial institutions. Assessing nature-related risks is the first step in nearly all frameworks out there. But robust, decision-grade data has been a sticking point to date. Building on experience from practice and civil society, we explore where we really are today on the state of data and analytics to assess nature-related financial risks.
16:45 – Final keynote, closing remarks and networking reception
Great Hall, First Floor
Chris Skidmore
Former UK Energy and Clean Growth Minister & Chair, Net Zero Review
*Please note it will also be possible to watch the keynote live from the Godfrey Mitchell Theatre