The CGFI Leeds Innovation Hub is a place for financial institutions, academics, climate scientists, and analytics businesses to connect, collaborate, and innovate.
Hosted at Nexus, University of Leeds, the Hub is a platform to connect wider UK science and innovation with financial institutions, focusing on climate and environmental analytics.
The Hub nurtures and supports a vibrant emerging ecosystem of enterprises providing climate and environmental analytics (CEA) to finance institutions.
It provides a route by which needs are understood and the latest science is made accessible, commercialised, and exported globally, placing the UK as global leader for climate and environmental analytics for financial institutions.
The opening of the CGFI Innovation Leeds Hub is the next step in accelerating the use of climate and environmental risk analytics into institutional investment and finance.
Professor Iain Clacher
Collaborating for Impact: climate science and insurance industry practice - Update
Connect Series Event: 23 October 2024, 1.5hr Online - registration opening soon
Continuing our collaboration with the Lighthill Risk Network and Oasis LMF, we will revisit and provide updates on the progress of addressing four major challenges facing the insurance sector in the coming years: understanding the attribution of extreme weather events to climate change, advancing downscaling methods, and assessing the potential impacts of climate tipping points.
What comes next after CBES, and what role for integrated climate-nature risk analysis?
Connect Series Event: 8 October 2024, In-person, Leeds - registration opening soon
This next event in our CGFI Connect series, in partnership with the Integrating Finance and Biodiversity Programme (IFB) and the Resilient Planet Finance Lab, brings together banks, insurers, building societies, leading climate and nature scientists, and analytics businesses to explore the future of scenario analysis for climate and environmental risks.
Collaborating for Impact: exploration and advancement of climate risk analytics for the building society sector
News: 8 May 2024 Event Summary
Through presentations and panel discussions, attendees delved into topics such as the attribution of extreme weather events to climate change, downscaling methods, and the potential impacts of climate tipping points. The discussions underscored the importance of collaboration between academia and industry, where both groups respectfully listen and learn from one another to develop research agendas and practical solutions.
Programme: developing the next generation of financial climate risk analysts
Programme: Internships 2024-25
The demand for climate and environmental analytics (CEA) and data from financial institutions is growing rapidly. As financial sectors strive to navigate the complexities of incorporating climate science into their strategies, there emerges a crucial need to cultivate skills and expand talent capacity.
Archive 2024
Collaborating for Impact: climate science and insurance industry practice
News: 6 March 2024 Event Summary
Through presentations and panel discussions, attendees delved into topics such as the attribution of extreme weather events to climate change, downscaling methods, and the potential impacts of climate tipping points.
Collaborating for Impact: exploration and advancement of climate risk analytics for the building society sector
Breakout Session: 8 May 2024, In-person, Building Societies Annual Conference
How well do you understand the impact of climate change on risk management? This session explored the significance of climate and environmental risk analytics in finance.
Collaborating for Impact: climate science and insurance industry practice
Connect Series Event: 6 March 2024, In-person, Leeds
A detailed discussion of four of the biggest challenges facing the insurance sector and how to align cutting edge climate science and practical applications in the insurance sector.
Net Zero Transition Plans: credibility and actions
Connect Series Event: 12 February 2024, In-person, Leeds
Join us to learn more about how transition plans can enable the journey to net zero and climate resilience.
Archive 2023
Leeds Innovation Hub: opening
News: October 2023
We are delighted to announce the opening of the CGFI Leeds Hub, based at Nexus - University of Leeds.
Connecting the financial industry with environmental science
Meet and engage with leading climate scientists, financial institutes, and emerging climate, environment and analytic businesses. Build valuable connections and networks to exchange climate challenges, ideas, and solutions.
Knowledge exchange and raising the bar on application
Our roundtables - convening climate scientists, innovative entrepreneurs and financial sector leaders to share the latest perspectives on green financing challenges. Thought leadership - guiding ecosystem stakeholders with rigorous and empirically-robust insights on challenges faced by financial institutions. Placements - co-funded year-long placements bringing additional expertise, fresh perspectives and extra capacity to your project.
Innovation and early stage business support
Our developing programme of science sprints and hackathons, mentoring, and our early stage business incubator will support startups and growing businesses through every phase of their entrepreneurship journey.