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David Wilkinson

Climate Lead, Supervisory Risk Specialists Directorate
Bank of England


Dr David Wilkinson is the Climate Lead for the Supervisory Risk Specialists Directorate of the Bank of England. He holds an MSc and PhD from the national Oceanography Centre, Southampton where his research focussed on the effects of climate change on the Meridional Overturning Circulation.

His career in finance has included covered management consultancy, front risk management, second line risk management and finance.  He was head of Product Control and Market Risk for Tokyo Mitsubishi International in London and the Business Area Controller for the Deustche Bank European Equities business. He has worked for the FSA and the Bank of England for the last 13 years. In his current role he leads in-depth reviews of regulated firms’ climate related strategies and risk management practices. He also advises on the development of new climate related policy and stress testing.

As an Associate Business Fellow of the  CGFI he has worked on the development of decision useful climate scenarios for the financial services industry with the aim of improving the flow of information and expertise from academia into the financial sector.

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