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Call for Associate Research Fellows




Rolling application process

On an ongoing basis we are recruiting Associate Research Fellows, each with significant experience in climate and environmental analytics and/or applying these within financial decision-making. These appointments will be part-time, flexible, and non-stipendiary (unpaid). The term of appointment is one year in the first instance and renewable based on performance.

We are looking for individuals with an expertise and interest in climate and environmental risks and their implications for the financial system and the real economy, particularly the following topics: physical climate risks and impacts, wind and flood risks in portfolios; physical climate risk across infrastructure and supply chains; litigation risk and environmental damages; transition risk and alignment; and TCFD/TNFD disclosures.

The Fellows will help deliver translational academic research with direct applicability in real world contexts, support training and capacity building activities and overall support the mainstreaming of climate and environmental analytics in financial decision-making. Fellows will be expected to contribute to research across physical and transition climate-related financial risk, nature-related financial risks and impacts, litigation risks, and spatial finance.

The positions are part-time, and applicants are expected to retain a primary affiliation with their home institution during the duration of their appointment. This is a non-remunerated, non-stipendiary position that will not result in a UK work visa. Time commitments are flexible of time. Ideally applicants will be working for a research institute or university associated with CGFI. Applicants must demonstrate that their home institution is supportive of their application and see value in the applicant spending a proportion of their time as an Associate Research Fellow.

Fellows will be able to support research and projects in line with their personal interests or those of their institution and will bring back to their institution a much better understanding of climate and environmental analytics for finance, as well as enhanced networks and renewed confidence to tackle issues related to greening finance and investment. Fellows will be allocated a supervisor from within the Centre and the exact terms of engagement will be finalised on a one-to-one basis.

As part of this opportunity, the Fellows will be able to work alongside world-leading researchers and other CGFI partners. We will introduce Fellows to the world-class research facilities and networks at the CGFI partner institutions in Oxford, Bristol, Leeds, London, and Reading. The Fellows will be affiliated with the Centre for Greening Finance and Investment rather than with individual member universities. Fellows will be integrated in the programme and partake in any internal or external events and workshops that the Centre will organise.

Talk to us

We would love to get your input. Help us make a difference.