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Trends In AI4ESG




Trends in AI4ESG

24 February 2022 | Online

Christophe Christiaen, Innovation and Impact Lead for the Spatial Finance Initiative, will join an online event exploring ESG and AI on 24 February, 16:00-18:00.

ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance. Investment companies, asset owners and banks are increasingly applying these non-financial factors as part of their analysis process to identify material risks and growth opportunities.

Artificial Intelligence – sometimes called the New Electricity – has enormous potential to drive evidence-based ESG analysis and detect ESG-washing. Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Geospatial AI have become trending technologies in sustainable finance.

Also, AI models themselves are a new component to ESG when companies build data-driven, AI-fuelled business models. Accountabilty, governance, explainability and trustworthiness of AI-driven applications will be crucial as well as their compliance with new AI regulations like the EU AI Act.

However, some decision makers in finance are not aware of the capabilities of AI4ESG and some AI model builders are not aware of the meaning of ESG for society, economy and our planet.

This is the motivation of our event ‘Trends in AI4ESG’ which is intended to improve know-how transfer between both camps and to moderate a dialogue. It facilitates the exchange of innovative ideas and cooperation opportunities in the field of AI4ESG.

The event is co-organised by NVIDIA, Gaia-x #FAIC, STATWORX, Center for Financial Studies @Goethe-University, and AI Frankfurt.

For full agenda and to book, click here.

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